Information Technology A to Z Index IT Service Support Request

IT Support

Data Trustee Program

This support article explains best practice data security management for employees who handle confidential information.

Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups (Error)

Issue: When trying to send an email to a non-EKU email account, the following error occurs:

              "Deliver has failed to these recipients or groups:"

Cause: Your account is blocked by Microsoft because it has been compromised and is sending spam.

Delivery has failed


Disable Automatic Updates in Mac Office

ISSUE: Want to disable automatic updates in Mac Office


Disable clutter folder (How To)

Issue: I would like to disable the clutter folder in my EKU myMail account

Cause: The clutter folder in your myMail account is a new mailbox management feature of Office 365.  It can be turned on or off depending on your preferences.    Clutter analyzes how you process your email and moves the 'unimportant stuff' out of your inbox folder and places that into the clutter folder.  In theory it should leave you with an emptier and distraction-free inbox.  

Drive Mappings

This article is for EKU faculty, staff and students and outlines the Drive Mappings and their uses.

Edit Image File for Blackboard Course Tiles

In order to change your course image for the course tile look, instructors can click the pencil icon to set the image they want.

All users will see the same image for the course.

KNOWN ISSUE: Blackboard course tile image and course banner image resizing issues

EKU Tiles for Download

Edit Image File for Blackboard Course Tiles

EKU Direct User Login

This article provides directions to login to EKU Direct.

Email Setup on Android Phone: Employee

Instructions for setting up employee email accounts on Android phones and mobile devices.

Email Setup on iOS Phone: Employee


Instructions for setting up email on iOS phones and mobile devices for employees.

Employee Device Rollout, 2022-2023

What is the Refresh Program?

Error: The Course " __ " is a child Course and cannot be used as a copy destination. Please specify another course as the destination.

ISSUE: While trying to copy previous course materials into a new course, received this error:

Error: The Course " __ " is a child Course and cannot be used as a copy destination.  Please specify another course as the destination. 

Error: says 'An error occurred. Please login again'

ISSUE: Trying to access old EKU Direct login page.  Receive error: says An error occurred. Please login again. says An error occurred. Please login again.


Go to new EKU Direct login page and login with EKU email credentials


External Email Tags

To identify potential phishing emails from outside senders, IT will begin using external email tags on Wednesday, April 22, 2020.


Directions to use the fax feature on the department printers at EKU.

Forwarding Email as an Attachment

ISSUE: I need to forward an email as an attachment from the Outlook Client or Outlook Web App (OWA)


Fowarding Email as Attachment in Outlook Client (Windows)

G Suite Account and Login Information

Your Account Credentials

You will authenticate your G Suite account like you do your Office 365 account, with your full EKU email address and password:

Google signin

Signing In

Open and be sure you are logged out of any other Google accounts by clicking the icon in the top-right corner and choosing the Sign out button.  If you do not have that, you are not currently logged into a consumer Google or G Suite for Education account.

G Suite Course Kit Assignment Tool: Student Checking Grades

  1. When you receive a grade on an assignment in Google Course Kit, you will receive an email and you will see it on your Blackboard Stream.  If you click the gray 'View my grade' button you will see your grade.
    When you receive a grade on an assignment in Google Course Kit, you will receive an email and you will see it on your Blackboard Stream.

G Suite Course Kit Assignment Tool: Initial Setup

Google Course Kit integration with Blackboard allows instructors to take up assignments into their Google Drive and send grades to the LMS.   The initial setup steps below would need to be completed in each course to create the Google Drive folders.

G Suite Course Kit Assignment Tool: Instructor Submission Management

  1. When a student submits an assignment, this is what it looks like in Course Kit. Click the assignment to look at it, make comments, and grade.
    When a student submits an assignment, this is what it looks like in Course Kit

G Suite Course Kit Assignment Tool: Student Submitting Assignments

  1. Login to Blackboard.
  2. Go to the class where you have an assignment.
  3. If the assignment is using Google Course Kit, you will also need to sign into your EKU Google account.  NOTE: You should log into the EKU Google Account first.  When you click on the assignment in Blackboard, you'll be prompted to log in.  Click the 'Sign in' button.
