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Blackboard Support

Blackboard Ally Score Indicators

What is Ally?

Your class is full of diverse students with unique learning abilities.  Ally automatically scans your original content, and performs a series of steps to make them more accessible:

  • Generates alternative formats for students to download
  • Provides accessibility scores
  • Gives instructor feedback on how to improve your accessibility score

Accessibility Scores

The score indicators are only shown to the instructor as a way to help them improve their accessibility score for their course documents.

Blackboard Collaborate Etiquette

Best Practices for a Good Session

Managing Blackboard Course Tile Images

ISSUE: Blackboard course tile image and course banner image resizing issues


Types of Blackboard Content

Log into EKU Blackboard site using your EKU email username and password.

On the left-hand menu, click the Courses link then click the course you want to add content to:

Copying Course Material in Blackboard

If you want to move content from one Blackboard course to a separate course:

G Suite Course Kit Assignment Tool: Initial Setup

Google Course Kit integration with Blackboard allows instructors to take up assignments into their Google Drive and send grades to the LMS.   The initial setup steps below would need to be completed in each course to create the Google Drive folders.

G Suite Course Kit Assignment Tool: Student Submitting Assignments

  1. Login to Blackboard.
  2. Go to the class where you have an assignment.
  3. If the assignment is using Google Course Kit, you will also need to sign into your EKU Google account.  NOTE: You should log into the EKU Google Account first.  When you click on the assignment in Blackboard, you'll be prompted to log in.  Click the 'Sign in' button.

Blackboard Announcements

Annoucement are an ideal way to post time-sensitive information critical to course success.  Add announcements for these types of activities:

Blackboard Email

The email tool allows you to send email to other people in your course without launching a separate email program, such as Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo. You can send email to individual users or to groups of users.

Attach OneDrive File in Blackboard

Issue: I want to submit a file saved in my Microsoft OneDrive to an assignment in Blackboard


Handling Images in Blackboard Tests

1. Add images to test questions

The Bb Test Canvas lets you add images directly to any test question. While you are creating or editing a question, the third toolbar on the Question Text box has a button to “browse” for the image. First, put your cursor in the Question Text where you want the image to appear, and then click the Insert/Edit Image button.

Blackboard Course Banner Images

You can make a very nice banner graphic or "header" for your course, to display at the top of the Announcements page. NOTE: If this image isn't formatted correctly, it will not display correctly if a user views their courses in the Blackboard tile view. 

Customize Blackboard Course Theme

Log into EKU Blackboard site using your EKU email username and password.

Using the Course Tiles View in Blackboard

Blackboard lets users choose to see their courses in "list view" or "tiles view."  Users select the view by clicking the buttons at the top left above their entries:   All users can have whichever view they prefer and can switch at any time.

Create Discussions in Blackboard

Develop successful online discussions

Help your students feel comfortable and provide them with guidelines as they begin to participate in discussions.

G Suite Course Kit Assignment Tool: Student Checking Grades

  1. When you receive a grade on an assignment in Google Course Kit, you will receive an email and you will see it on your Blackboard Stream.  If you click the gray 'View my grade' button you will see your grade.
    When you receive a grade on an assignment in Google Course Kit, you will receive an email and you will see it on your Blackboard Stream.

Edit Image File for Blackboard Course Tiles

In order to change your course image for the course tile look, instructors can click the pencil icon to set the image they want.

All users will see the same image for the course.

KNOWN ISSUE: Blackboard course tile image and course banner image resizing issues

EKU Tiles for Download

Edit Image File for Blackboard Course Tiles

Assessment and Remote Teaching: Options and Opportunities

This remote-teaching period is an opportunity to evaluate how to meet your learning objectives for your class.
