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Cloud Printing

How to print to various printers on campus from your personal computer.

Email Setup on iOS Phone: Employee


Instructions for setting up email on iOS phones and mobile devices for employees.

Reset EKU Password - Forgot Password

ISSUE: I need to reset my EKU email password myself but don't remember my password

FIX:  Be sure you have password self-service and two-factor authenticaion (2FA) enabled.

Email Setup on Android Phone: Employee

Instructions for setting up employee email accounts on Android phones and mobile devices.

Wi-Fi Setup on iOS Phones

Instructions for students and employees setting up wi-fi on iOS phones and devices.

Blackboard: Student Basics QUICK START guide

Quick Start Guide for students new to Blackboard

Mobile Devices and Smartphones: Employees

Resources and information for using smartphones and other mobile devices for EKU employees.

Drive Mappings

This article is for EKU faculty, staff and students and outlines the Drive Mappings and their uses.

Voicemail Options: Employees

This article is for EKU employees and discusses the voicemail service.

Student Printing Guidelines

This article discusses the student printing procedures at EKU.


Phishing is a way of attempting to acquire information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.

Setup self-service password reset

ISSUE: I need to set up self service password reset.


Recommended Computer Specifications

These are the minimum & preferred specifications that we recommend for student systems.  If you have already chosen your major, we recommend you contact your college or department to see if they have any additional recommendations. Please note that we do not recommend any specific brands and just give this information as helpful guidelines. 

Wireless Network: Android Device

How to connect your Android device to EKU's wi-fi.

VPN & Remote Desktop Connection (PC)

How to connect to another computer using Remote Desktop Connection.

Using Software Center to Install Programs, Upgrades and Updates

How to install software safely using Software Center for EKU faculty and staff computers.

Remote/VPN into a Computer

Directions for remoting into a computer.

Create Blackboard Threads

thread is a conversation within a forum that includes the initial post and all replies to it.

Passwords & Passphrases

This article discusses how to create better passwords and passphrases.

Blackboard App - How to Setup

Issue: Setup Blackboard App 


1. Open app.
Open app.
