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Why does EKU require employees to 2FA/MFA?

The Reality

Numerous attacks on institutions of higher education have resulted in the theft, alteration, or destruction of data.  EKU has been targeted by cybercriminals with similar capabilities. 

Why does EKU require students to 2FA/MFA

Is this really necessary?

Although the two-factor/multi-factor authentication process is designed to be as quick and painless as possible, you may find yourself wondering "is this really necessary?" or "Why does it apply to me?" if that's the case, read on to learn why.

Have you Ever...

Wi-Fi Setup on iOS Phones

Instructions for students and employees setting up wi-fi on iOS phones and devices.

Wireless Network: Android Device

How to connect your Android device to EKU's wi-fi.

Wireless Network: Chromebooks

How to connect your Chromebook or other ChromeOS device to EKU's Wi-Fi.

Wireless Network: Linux/Unix-based

Information on how to set Linux/Unix-based systems up on EKU wi-fi.

Workplace Security

Workstations in the workplace are sometimes easy targets for criminal activity.  Whenever a laptop or mobile device is lost or stolen, the data on that device has also been stolen and if proprietary EKU data is lost or compromised, the resulting damage can be much greater than the cost of replacing the equipment.  Some tips:

YouTube Videos Showing as Unavailable

ISSUE: Older videos that were working on YouTube are now showing as unavailable if embedded, or private when you follow the link.
