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Quick Tips: Updated Content Editor for Blackboard Learn Original Experience and Original Course View

There are lots of great reasons to like the updated Content Editor in Blackboard Learn. Adding content has been simplified, and it works better on both hand-held devices and larger screens. There are several improvements for accessibility and some new features, too. Besides some updated tool icons, there are also some changes in behavior to know about.

Hide Courses No Longer Teaching/Delete previous instructors from courses

ISSUE: You are no longer an instructor in a course in Blackboard and no longer want to see the course on your course list (#1, below). You are a new instructor and want to remove the old instructor from a course (#2-7, below)


Instructor can't see controls in Blackboard (Edit Mode is OFF)

ISSUE: Instructor can't see controls in Blackboard (Edit Mode is OFF)


Blackboard Email Blocked on Student Accounts

How to check for blocks in email preferences: 

Undo an email block on & &  

Instructions for sharing videos in Blackboard through Teams

As a new offering for instructors, EKU IT has now started creating Microsoft Teams for every class in Blackboard.  These teams will automatically be populated with the students in your Blackboard courses, with enrollments that should update overnight.  This will let you easily use the wide set of tools available to Microsoft Teams for your classes, without having to manually handle enrollments.

Tool Availability in Blackboard Courses

Tool Availability in Blackboard Courses

To use any of the tools listed below in your Blackboard site, you must first enable the item(s) on your Tool Availability page. It’s easy: On your course menu, open Customization > Tool Availability. Scroll to the item and check the box(es). Click the Submit button to complete your work.

Clear Your Browser Cookies, Cache, and History


  1. Click Library library icon , click History, then click Clear Recent History.
  2. In the Time range to clear dropdown, click Everything.

Pronouns in Blackboard

You can select your pronoun values on the pronoun page.  The Pronouns field is empty by default, and you can change that by clicking the Add Pronouns.  You can choose from the most commonly used list via our research on inclusive and LGBTQI+ resource pages.

