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Mac vs Windows

Mac vs Windows

If you are confused about buying a Windows or a Mac PC, we have this information to assist you in making your decision.

Note: Do not purchase a Chromebook or Netbook unless you only plan to surf the Internet and do word processing.

Windows PC


  • Customizable and maintainable--Windows PC are typically designed so that broken hardware can be replaced, and old hardware can be upgraded
  • Windows PCs come from a variety of manufacturers, creating a variety of options in area like price, performance, and appearance
  • Easy to find an inexpensive option if all you need is a web browser and a word processor
  • Often options equal in performance to Macs and are cheaper
  • You can build a Windows PC on your own (or have a techie friend do it)
  • With available performance options and upgrading capacity, Windows PCs are better than Macs for hardcore gaming
  • Windows holds the majority share of the market, which means that the majority of software is developed to run on a Windows operating system, rather than Mac
  • Many Windows PCs on the market have touchscreen capabilities


  • Windows operating systems have historically been less stable than Mac ones, and thus are prone to crashes and 'blue screen of death'
  • Without a sold antivirus software suite, Windows PCs are less secure than Macs
  • Cheaper Windows PCs tend to be built with lower-quality components, making them more fragile and less reliable
  • Because of the diversity of hardware and software on the market, not all of its features function as smoothly as designed, resulting (for instance) in driver-related issues

Apple Mac PC


  • Up until recently, Mac PCs have been virtually virus-free
  • Macs are designed as a whole unit, typically using high-quality parts and software, making them durable and long lasting
  • Mac operating systems tend to be more stable, slicker, and faster-running than Windows
  • Mac PCs almost universally boot faster than Windows PCs
  • With nearly all of the software developed in-house, Macs encounter much fewer driver issues
  • Mac PCs integrate seamlessly with their Apple tablets and mobile devices
  • Macs are designed to look sleek and stylish
  • For software that needs a Windows operating system, you can always run Windows inside a 'virtual box'


  • Mac PCs are almost always more expensive than Windows PCs
  • Though it's starting to change, Mac PCs have traditionally lacked the customizability of Windows PCs
  • Mac designs are elegant, but they're one-size-fits-all; there ar no alternative options if you want a different look
  • Apple PCs lack touchscreens
  • Mac PC designs tend to be less gracious with hard drives/SSD size than Window PCs
  • Mac OS-specific software and programs are sometimes more rare in comparison to those designed specifically for Windows PCs
  • Macs frequently lack the specs for high performance, hardcore gaming
  • When Macs break, typically the only solution is to send it to the manufacturer or an authorized repair shop, both of which can be expensive

General Guidelines

  • Purchase what you are most comfortable with unless there is a reason to change
  • Check with your college to see if they have recommendations
  • What are you going to use the PC for? Word processing? Internet browsing? Accessing EKU online resources (Blackboard, email, library databases), programming and game design? Graphic design? Recreation and gaming?
  • We suggest purchasing an extended warranty, especially if you are getting a laptop.  IT Geeks are not permitted to work on hardware issues, except to troubleshoot issues.
  • Also, we suggest insurance in the event of accidents
  • Make sure whatever you purchase meets Energy Star Requirements
  • Purchase a computer with as much memory (RAM) and hard drive space (HDD/SSD) as you can comfortably afford