Information Technology A to Z Index IT Service Support Request

Rates & Charges*

Rates & Charges

Audio-Visual Services

When designing a new learning space or upgrading an existing space, you should contact the IT Service Desk regarding classroom technology costs to be incurred by the requestor.  An IT AV team member will work with the requestor on classroom needs and provide a quote.  The IT AV team will lead the project upon approval of the costs to be incurred.


  • Installation of data drop/wiring: $175-$250
  • Grant-funded areas pay a monthly port usage charge: $15
  • For new construction, project budget funds network equipment


  • Any replacement phones due to damage will be charged to the department
  • Microsoft phone license is assigned to all full-time staff.  Any calling needs outside of full-time staff can incur a licensing charge.

Computer/Server Resources

  • Requester Funds
    • -Virtual Server yearly cost
      •      *Memory - 1GB RAM: $4
      •      *Storage - $0.28 per GB per year
      •      *Processor - up to 2 virtual processors provided at no cost
    • -Software licensing for requested software
    • -Network Drive Quota
      •      *$280 per TB per year for quota on network drives (N:, P:, Q:)
      •      *Includes backup costs


Black/White Copy  $.10 each
Black/White Copy (Duplex)  $.17 each
Color Copy  $.75 each


*NOTE: Anything not covered above--discussion required.  Contact the IT Service Desk: 859-622-3000