Did You Know: Your IT?
Here are some IT stats from July 1, 2023 - April 1, 2024!
Student Success
- 1190 degrees & certifications were awarded
- 475,229 pages were printed on our lab printers from 92,210 print jobs
- 2,124 Geek checkouts of Windows and Mac PCs, Calculators (graphing and scientific), iPads, Cameras, Projectors, Microphones, Projectors, various cables, and other items
- 77 Student-funded computer labs of 1355 Windows and Mac PCs
- 39 Department-funded computer labs of 514 Windows and Mac PCs
- Blackboard Learning Management System: Hosted 8,184 active courses with 22,000 unique users and 29,800 peak daily logins
87.3 TB of Google Drive storage was utilized with an average of 8,100 files shared each month
30 TB of OneDrive storage was utilized with 400 files shared each month
30,142 Zoom meetings; 236,840 participants; 10,827,982 meeting minutes
9,762 Teams meetings (last 180 days - data doesn’t go back further)
903,104 Teams private chat messages (last 180 days - data doesn’t go back further)
18,709 Team channel messages. (last 180 days - data doesn’t go back further)
671,973 Teams screen share time in minutes. (last 180 days - data doesn’t go back further)
Average of 290,549 emails received daily with 12% being spam.
Average of 31,602 emails sent daily
430 spaces support by classroom technology (46 upgraded this year)
40 e-Presence classrooms hosting 117 classes
3812 Windows systems managed by AD
2240 Apple devices managed by Jamf
Software packages created: 229
Windows Updates deployed: 27,349
Organizational Effectiveness
35,000 wired network ports
3600 Wireless access points
12,000 Unique wireless devices
8,027 Unique wired devices
1,719 Teams phone lines
16,317 Service Desk calls (Through March 31, 2024)
5,557 Service Desk tickets (Through March 31, 2024)
3,684 walk-in customer support (Through March 31, 2024)
697 phishing email addresses blocked after being reports spam@eku.edu
290,549 Emails filtered and 34,865 accepted
3 data centers
106 buildings with fiber connectivity
728 network switches
100% network backbone uptime (last major outage was replacement of equipment)
22 DMCA Notices processed
20 malicious IP addresses blocked
323 malware alerts investigated (Since October)
697 email addresses blocked after being reported to spam@eku.edu
862,126 Phishing emails blocked since January
7,585 Malware emails blocked since January
2,195,154 spam emails blocked since January
327 links blocked by Safe Links since January