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Types of Blackboard Assessments

Log into EKU Blackboard site using your EKU email username and password.

On the left-hand menu, click the Courses link then click the course you want to add content to:

On the left-hand menu of your course, you will typically have 'Announcement,' 'Course Documents,' 'Assignments,' 'Communication,' and 'Tools' links.  

On the left-hand menu of your course, you will typically have 'Announcement,' 'Course Documents,' 'Assignments,' 'Communication,' and 'Tools' links.

Click on the 'Course Documents' like.  Then on the right, click 'Assessments:

Click on the 'Course Documents' like.  Then on the right, click 'Assessments:

The table below from Blackboard, describes the assessment materials you can add.  Use the information to decide which assessment type is right for each piece of your content.

Assessments Type Description 
Test You can create tests to assess student knowledge. You can add question types, such as Multiple Choice, True/False, Matching, Calculated, and Essay.
Survey Surveys are ungraded tests. Use surveys to poll student opinion and conduct class evaluations. Survey results are anonymous.
Assignment You can create graded coursework, and manage the grades and feedback for each student or group of students.
Self and Peer Assessment You can allow students to review the work of their classmates through criteria-based evaluation and constructive feedback.
McGraw-Hill Assignments You can build customized assignments from McGraw-Hill's textbooks and resources.

Most of page content taken directly from Blackboard site with a few tweaks and images from our specific version of the software

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