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Pronouns in Blackboard

You can select your pronoun values on the pronoun page.  The Pronouns field is empty by default, and you can change that by clicking the Add Pronouns.  You can choose from the most commonly used list via our research on inclusive and LGBTQI+ resource pages.


Where your pronouns will be visible:

Section Location
Group Assessments A user can see group members’ pronouns in the overview panel
A user can see group members’ pronouns while taking the assessment
Peer Review A user entitled to see peer reviewers’ names can see their pronouns above their feedback when viewing a student’s attempt
Roster Users can see other users’ pronouns in the course roster view
User Management A user can see users’ pronouns when searching for users to enroll in the course a user can see
A user’s pronouns when editing them in the course roster
A user can see a user’s pronouns when editing their accommodations
Discussions Users can see other users’ pronouns with their responses
Messages Users can see other users’ pronouns when searching for message recipients
Users can see other users’ pronouns in the message panel
Gradebook Instructors and graders can see users’ pronouns in the grid view
Students can see their own pronouns when viewing their own grades
Groups A user can see the pronouns of users in a group
Instructors can see the pronouns of students in the group management view
User Profile A user can see their own pronouns in their profile page
A user can see their own pronouns when editing their profile in the profile settings panel

This is a list the pronouns available in Blackboard and their usage in grammatical contexts.

Subject Object Possessive Possessive Pronoun Reflexive
He Him His His Himself
“He laughed” “I called him” “His book” “That is his” “He loves himself”
She Her Her Hers Herself
“She laughed “ “I called her” “Her book” “That is hers” “She loves herself”
They Them Their Theirs Themselves
“They laughed “ “I called them” “Their book” “That is theirs” “They love themselves”
Ze (or Zie) Hir Hir Hirs Hirself
“Ze laughed ”
“I called hir”
“Hir book” “That is hirs” “Ze loves hirself”


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