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Student Computing Fee Information

Original Proposal
Submitted by the Director of Academic Computing & Telecommunications Services
to the Student Government Association
Spring, 1998



            The purpose of the student computing fee is to produce funding in order to provide EKU students with accessible, reliable, and appropriate computing resources that will enhance their educational experience.


Each semester students will be assessed a computing fee of $50 for full time students (prorated by class hours taken similar to other student fees). All collected funds will be placed in a separate Student Computing Fee Account assigned to the Director of Academic Computing and Telecommunications Services. The account balance in any year will be carried forward to the Student Computing Fee Account.
This account will be used for the direct support of student computing. It will be designated for purchasing new computers for labs, paying support personnel and student workers, and for enhancing student labs to use current instructional technology.
Any uses of this fee that are not for direct student computing support must go through a review conducted by the NSTI subcommittee of the UITC.

An Act Concerning Technology Fee

WHEREAS,   technology has become and will remain a critical aspect of post-secondary education regardless of major and/or discipline, and

WHEREAS,   Eastern Kentucky University students currently enjoy only limited access to computers, the Internet, and computer programs due to the fact that there is no technology fee in place, and

WHEREAS,   other schools of comparable size and mission bill students a technology fee in order to offset the costs associated with staying current with technological needs, and

WHEREAS,   a $50.00 per semester fee would greatly improve the technological resources available to students at Eastern Kentucky University,

BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED, a $50.00 per semester technology fee, spent only on technological improvements benefiting students, be included with tuition and other student fees. The funds generated by this fee would be used to construct and maintain a 24-hour computer lab with approximately 100 terminals, enhance Internet access by allowing for audio/video capabilities, improve current computer labs, and to employ students in order to monitor any additional facilities.

BE IT FURTHERMORE ENACTED, a committee will be established with no less than two Student Senators and no less than one Residence Hall Association representative. This committee will suggest the allocation of $100,000 of the technology fee. The entire budget for the technology fee will be made available to the Student Senate each year from the office of Academic Computing.

Presented to the Student Senate for consideration on September 15, 1998.
Passed by majority vote on October 6, 1998.

Submitted by,
Chris Rice, Chair
Student Rights Committee

Amendments by,
Kevin Britton

Adam Back, President
Student Association

The Council on Student Affairs received and endorsed this act on December 7, 1998.

The Student Technology Fee was implemented in academic year 1999-2000.